Do Trigo ao Pão: Manual simplificado de panificação: Formulações aplicadas nas aulas de panificação do curso de Gastronomia da UFPB


Estefânia Fernandes Garcia (ed)
Universidade Federal da Paraíba/Professor


Panificação, Fermentação, Glúten


In bakery, the development of breads requires not only experience, but especially knowledge of its raw materials and the proper application of techniques, which allows the baker to execute any formulation of breads, cakes and cookies. In the gastronomy course at the Federal University of Paraíba, the breadmaking discipline explores bread formulations from basic breadmaking to advanced breadmaking using sourdough and Vienoisserie. During the practical classes, the need to build a manual that could serve as a study guide for the students was identified and thus photo-recipes and video classes were built to compose this interactive manual.


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March 13, 2024


Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)
